Meet the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors - Sally Bowen

Interview with Sally Bowen, owner of Sally's Island Catering and Board Secretary of the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce

Q: What is your business or profession, and how does it contribute to the Perdido Key community?
A: I own Island Catering, a catering company that provides a local option for catering in the Perdido Key area.

Q: Can you briefly describe your role or job within your business?
A: I am the owner and head chef of Island Catering.

Q: Can you please introduce yourself and briefly describe your current position within the Chamber's Board of Directors?
A: My name is Sally, and I’ve been the Secretary for the Board of Directors since around 2006.

Q: How long have you been a member of the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce?
A: I’ve been a member since 2005, starting when the Methodist Church was a member.

Involvement with the Chamber:

Q: What motivated you to start getting involved with the Chamber, and how did you initially become a member?
A: I first became involved as an employee and was later suggested that joining the board would be a good fit for me.

Q: Could you share a memorable experience or achievement during your tenure with the Chamber?
A: One of my most memorable experiences has been watching the Chamber grow and evolve into the dynamic organization it is today.

Impact of Serving on the Board:

Q: In what ways has serving on the Chamber's Board of Directors positively impacted you personally and professionally?
A: Personally, I’ve made lasting friendships. Professionally, I’ve gained a deep respect for other people and their businesses.

Advice for Chamber Members:

Q: Based on your experience, what advice would you offer to new or existing Chamber members looking to maximize their involvement and benefits?
A: Get involved! Explore what’s out there, attend events that interest you, and find what fits you best. If you love what you do, you’ll excel at it. Take full advantage of the benefits and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Personal Insights:

Q: Beyond your professional endeavors, could you share a hobby or interest that you're passionate about?
A: I’m a people person—I love people! I enjoy spending time on the water, reading, and being active in my church community.

Q: What drives your commitment to community involvement, and are there any other organizations or causes you're passionate about supporting?
A: I love the community I live in and want to see it evolve. Being involved helps me gain the knowledge to assist the Chamber and beyond. I’m also active on the library board’s friends group and support Friends of State Parks.

Future Outlook:

Q: Looking ahead, what do you envision for the future of the Perdido Key Area Chamber?
A: I see the Chamber continuing to grow bigger and better. With growth in our community, I hope to let everyone know how wonderful it is here and recruit more members.